of the work I've done for them! Here's a little behind the scenes of the first shirt design
I ever did for them. They were going with a Global Warming theme, for which I did
a few concepts, and though this was apparently submitted among that bunch I can't
for the life of me figure out why. I think I had just kept the header there as part of a
template used on the other (more appropriate to the theme) concepts. Well whatever
the case was, this was the design they liked the most, and so it went on to print!

Original Concept done in Photoshop

When I went to do the final artwork (which was done in Flash), I realized
that AP Jr was very stiff, so I tried to liven him up a bit! Everyone seemed
happy with the results :)

The finished product! Check it out on their website at www.theangrypenguin.com!
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